Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran. Heteroptera: Pentatomidae, Phyllocephalinae
Hoberlandt L., Safavi M.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 40: 33-43, 1981
Views: 1164
Abstract: According to the present distributional knowledge of the subfamily
Phyllocephalinae (Pentatomidae) there are represented in Iran four or possibly
five species. All mentioned species e. g. Chalcopis mirzayansi Hoberlandt and
Safavi, Schyzops aegyptiaca aegyptiaca (Lefebvre), Schyzops pakistanica Ghauri,
Phyllocephala albicornis Horvath and recently not proofed species Gellia
nigripennis (Dallas), range in their distribution into South and South-East
Iran. The mentioned species, with the exception of Oriental Gellia nigripennis
(Dallas), are of Saharo-Sindian distribution with the distributional centre in
the Near East. Phyllocephala negus Distant, an African species, penetrates to
the Near East (recorded from Aden and Palestine).
Key words: Czechoslovak-Iranian expedition, National Museum Prague, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Phyllocephalinae, Iran, key to genera, key to species, new species