Fauna and distribution of aphid parasites (Hym., Aphidiidae) in Iraq

Starý Petr, Kaddou Ibrahim K.
Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 14: 179-198, 1971
Published in print: 30th March 1971
Views: 216
Abstract: A brief review of aphidid parasites fauna of Iraq is given, including o sketch on the representation of separate faunistic complexes. Peculiarities in the parasite distribution were recognized, being conditioned by the geographic position of the country, by the very remarkable North-South zonation, and by the occurrence of climatic extremes during the season in the southern areas. Similar general features appear also to occur in the hyperparasites. Aphids were classified with respect to their economic significance and the main control objects selected. The role of parasites in aphid limitation and control is dealt with. Parasite introduction projects were elaborated. Some parasites are recommended for exportation. Host and parasite catalogue is added.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae, distribution, Iraq
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