Results of 1st and 2nd Mongolian-Czechoslovak entomological and botanical expedition to Mongolia No. 25: Heteroptera (2): Veliidae, Gerridae and Saldidae

Hoberlandt Ludvík
Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 14: 139-142, 1971
Published in print: 30th March 1971
Views: 207
Abstract: This is the second part of the publications on Heteroptera dealing with the families Veliidae, Gerridae and Saldidae and consists of the material collected in the years 1965 and 1966. There are recorded 15 species of which 6 have not previously been recorded from Mongolia.
Key words: Heteroptera, Veliidae, Gerridae, Saldidae, Mongolia
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bohrfliegen (Diptera, Trypetidae) AfghanistansErgebnisse der mongolisch-tschechoslowakischen entomologisch-botanischen Expeditionen (1965, 1966) in die Mongolei Nr. 23: TrypetidaeType-specimens of Palaearctic Tabanidae (Diptera) in the British Museum (Natural History)A contribution to the question of the distribution and evolution of plecopterological communities in EuropeZur Kenntnis der Fledermausfliegen-Fauna (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) des deutschen FaunengebietesErgebnisse der mongolisch-tschechoslowakischen entomologisch-botanischen Expeditionen in der Mongolei 24: Hymenoptera, IchneumonidaeEinige west-und mittelasiatische Aleochara-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Köcherfliegen Bulgariens (Trichoptera)Taxonomische und chorologische Ergänzungen zur türkischen und iranischen Zikadenfauna (Homopt. Auchenorrhyncha) (Sammelausbeute von Dr. Wittmer, mit einem Nachtrag über andere Gebiete der Paläarktis)Results of 1st and 2nd Mongolian-Czechoslovak entomological and botanical expedition to Mongolia No. 25: Heteroptera (2): Veliidae, Gerridae and SaldidaeResults of the Zoological Explorations by Dr. Z. Kaszab in Mongolia 191. Heteroptera (2): SaldidaeNeuroptera, Megaloptera und Mecoptera aus BulgarienErgebnisse der mongolisch-tschechoslowakischen entomologisch-botanischen Expeditionen (1965, 1966) in die Mongolei Nr. 26: Diptera, Trypetidae, 2 TeilA contribution on the faunistic of Sudanic Buprestids The first contribution on NE African fauna based on material collected by P. Štys in 1965-1968Fauna and distribution of aphid parasites (Hym., Aphidiidae) in IraqDistribution and habitats of Joppeicidae (Heteroptera)