New taxa of Neotropical Acanthocerini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae)
Brailovsky Harry, Barrera Ernesto
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 56(2): 547-555, 2016
Views: 1213
Abstract: Guilbertocoris guianensis gen. & sp. nov from French Guyana, Moronopelios
flavoantennatus sp. nov. from Ecuador, and Moronopelios nigritus sp. nov. from
Brazil (Amazonas) and Peru are described and included in the tribe Acanthocerini
(Coreidae: Coreinae). The relationships of these two genera are discussed.
A detailed redescription of Moronopelios Brailovsky, 1988 and a key to
identify its four known species are included. Photographs and drawings of the
male genital capsule and parameres are added.
Key words: Heteroptera, Coreidae, Acanthocerini, taxonomy, new genus, new species, Neotropical Region