Yemma pericarti sp. n. from South Tunis (Heteroptera, Berytidae)

Štusak Josef M.
Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 245-249, 1984
Published in print: 25th April 1984
Views: 264
Abstract: Yemma pericarti sp. n. described and figured from South Tunis. It was collected on Ambrosia maritima L. (Asteraceae). Distinguishing features of the new species from the others (Y. exilis Horv., Y. javanica Blote, Y. signata (Hsiao) are given. Distinguishing characters of the genus Yemma Horv. are reviewed and it seems probable that Yemma Horv. could represent only a subgenus of Metacanthus Costa.
Key words: Heteroptera, Berytidae, taxonomy, new species, Tunis