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Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae

Volume 17
published on: 25th April 1984
published in print: 25th April 1984
Bílý SvatoplukChrysophana holzschuhi sp. n. from Pakistan (Coleoptera, Buprestidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 5-7Čejchan AdolfCatalogue of the orthopteroid insects (s. l.) of Montenegro (Dermaptera, Dictuoptera, Cheleutoptera, Grylloptera, Orthoptera s. str.)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 9-25Dlabola JiříTypenrevision einiger mediterraner bzw. Nordafrikanischer Hysteropterum (s. l.). (Auchenorrhyncha- lssidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 27-68Hoberlandt LudvíkHeteroptera of Afghanistan Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae and PentatomidaeActa Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 69-128Jelínek JosefNew species of the genus Rhizophagus from Middle Asia (Coleoptera, Rhizophagidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 129-132Ježek JanSix new genera of the tribe Psychodini End. (Diptera, Psychodidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 133-154
Abstract: A higher taxonomy of the world Psychodini End. is restricted to 10 genera of which 6 are new to science: Psychodocha, Psycha, Psychomora, Chodopsycha, Psychodula and Ypsydocha. Unfortunately, many new proposed genera from 420 known species of the genus Psychoda Latreille, 1796 s. lat. of the world are not included. The tribe Psychodini End. is characterized by comparison with both Mormiini End. and Paramormiini End. Synonymy, diagnosis, known geographical distribution, biology, list of the world species of all quoted genera and some new combinationes are presented, from which many are established on the basis of literature only.
Ježek JanNomenclatorical changes of some higher taxa of palaearctic Psychodinae (Diptera, Psychodidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 155-170
Abstract: Mormiini Enderlein, 1935 and Paramormiini Enderlein, 1935 stat. n. are recognized. New genera Oomormia, Psychomormia, Jovamormia, Taramormia, Yomormia, Promormta. Saximormia, Katamormia, Telomormia, Psycmera and Satoba are established as well as two new subgenera, Psychogella and Psychocha, of the genus Jungiella Vaillant, 1972. Changes of status are presetned in following cases: Limomormia Vaillant, 1982, Rhadinomormia Vaillant, 1974, Hemimormia Krek, 1971, Duckhousiella Vaillant, 1972, Phyllotelmatoscopus Vaillant, 1982 and Parajungiella Vaillant, 1972. Nom. Lepimormia Enderlein, 1936 for Paramormia Vaillant, 1974 (nee Enderlein, 1935) is used (praeocup. name). Following nev synonymy is proposed: Hemimormia Krek, 1971 ( = Perimormia Vaillant, 1974). The following names are recognized as unavailable: Eomormia Krek, 1971, Eomormia Krek sensu Vaillant, 1974, Paramormia Krek, 1971 (nee Enderlein, 1935). Genus Mormia Enderlein, 1935 is correctly based on the type-species Pericoma revisenda Eaton, 1893 and species of the genus Telmatoscopus sensu Vaillant, 1972 (nec Eaton, 1904) are included in the genus Clogmia Enderlein, 1936. The diiignosis of twotribes, 22 genera and 6 subgenera are presented, mostly palaearctic species of mentioned genera are listed. The references in the literature are included and rather complicated nomenclatotrical problems are discussed.
Král JosefZu Longitarsus bombycinus Mohr, 1962. Col., Chrysomelidae, AlticinaeActa Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 173-175Krampl František, Marek JaroslavNew faunistic records of moths from Czechoslovakia (lepidoptera: Geometridae, Nolidae, Noctuidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 177-183Petersen Gunther, Gaedike ReinhardBeitrag zur Kenntnis der Tineidenfauna des Vorderen und Mittleren Orients (Tineidae, Lep.)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 185-212
Abstract: Aus dem untersuchten Gebiet k10nnten 75 Arten nachgewiesen werden, von denen 5 neu für die Wissenschaft waren: Infurcitinea fasciella, I. obscuroides, Pachyarthra irantca, Episcardia xerxes und Fermocelina iranica. Von fünf Arten wird das bisher unbekannte 9 Genital abgebildet: Neurothaumasia inornata, N. macedonica, Infurcittnea maraschensis, I. karadaghica und Cinnerethtca optodes. Die Bearbeitung des Materials gab Gelegenheit, einige neue Synonyme festzustellen: Fermocelina christophi Petersen = F. inquinatella Zeller; Tinea pacifella Zagulajev = Niditinea piercella Bentinck; Monopis nitidella Zagulajev = Monopis imella Hübner.
Rakovič MiloslavTwo interesting species of the genus Aphodius llliger from Afghanistan Coleoptera, ScarabaeidaeActa Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 213-218Štusak Josef M.On the nymphs of some lace bugs from the Mongolian People's Republic, with a key to the last instar (Heteroptera, Tingidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 219-236
Abstract: Nymphs of five Mongolian Tingidae, namely A.calypta elegans Horv. (4th instar), S phaerista paradoxa (Jak.) (4th and 5th instars), Dictyonota salsolae Gol. (5th instar), Lasiacantha kaszabi Hob. (5th instar), Tingis pilosa antennalis (Put.) (5th instar) are newly described and figured, and notes on nymphs of Dictyonota tricornis (Schrnk.) (5th instar) and Tingis ampliata (H.-S.) (4th instar) are given. A key to identification of older instar nymphs of 30 tingid species is included, which represents about 55 % of species of Tingidae known from the territory of Mongolia. The fact that larval spiniform processes do not in any way participate in the formation of paranota or hemelytra of the adult stage is ascertained from materials of nymphs of Lasiacantha kaszabi Hob.
Štusak Josef M.Two new species of Afrotropical Tingidae (Heteroptera)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 237-243
Abstract: Cantacader schoutedeni sp. n. ( Cantacaderinae) is described and .figured from Zaire. It belongs to the group or species having, five longitudinal carinae on pronotum and anterolateral pronotal angles rounded. Sinuessa parua sp. n. ( Tinginae) is described and figured from ,the Republique du Congo. Diagnostic characters distinguishing the new species from the related species are given.
Štusak Josef M.Yemma pericarti sp. n. from South Tunis (Heteroptera, Berytidae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 245-249
Abstract: Yemma pericarti sp. n. described and figured from South Tunis. It was collected on Ambrosia maritima L. (Asteraceae). Distinguishing features of the new species from the others (Y. exilis Horv., Y. javanica Blote, Y. signata (Hsiao) are given. Distinguishing characters of the genus Yemma Horv. are reviewed and it seems probable that Yemma Horv. could represent only a subgenus of Metacanthus Costa.
Švihla VladimírCephaloncus kubani sp. n. from Soviet Central Asia (Coleoptera, Melyridae)Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 17: 251-252