Results of 1st and 2nd Mongolian-Czechoslovak entomological and botanical expedition to Mongolia No. 30: Heteroptera (3): Nabidae, Tingidae, Reduviidae, Aradidae, Piesmidae, Lygaeidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae

Hoberlandt Ludvík
Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 15: 131-148, 1974
Published in print: 20th December 1974
Views: 182
Key words: Heteroptera, Nabidae, Tingidae, Reduviidae, Aradidae, Piesmidae, Lygaeidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae, checklist, taxonomy, new species