Aphidiid parasites of aphids in the USSR (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)

Starý Petr
Acta Faunistica Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 10: 187-226, 1965
Published in print: 17th September 1964
Views: 207
Abstract: The present paper is a review of the aphidiid parasites of the USSR. It is divided into several chapters that are summarized as follows: I. Introduction. A brief criticism of papers dealing with the fauna of the Aphidiidae of today's USSR is given. II. In a review of the aphidiid wasps of the USSR data on distribution, habitat, host-specificity, hosts and localities in USSR in every species are included. III. Host and parasite catalogue includes only original data. IV. Redescriptions of species described from the USSR: Pauesia chlorata (Telenga), Aphidius bispinosa Telenga, Aphidius tvanovae Telenga, Aphidius luzhetzki Telenga (original description only – translated from Russian), Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga, Aphidius uzbekistantcus Luzhetzki (translation of the original description only), Lysiphlebus salicaphis Fitch (= laticephalus Telenga), Trioxys asiaticus Telenga. V. Descriptions of new species. Lysiphlebus desertorum, n. sp., a parasite of aphids on Achillea sp. from Uzbekistan, and Aphidius megourae, n. sp., a parasite of Megoura viciae Bckt. on Vicia sp. from the European part of USSR are described. VI. Zoogeography. The results of the present paper give at least basic knowledge of the connection between the aphid parasites fauna of Europe, Middle East and the Far East, which have so far been most intensively studied. It was ascertained that the greater part of collected material represents more or less widely distributed species although several faunistic complexes seem to be recognizable for the future. For this reason only the frame-division according to the zones represented in the Palaearctic region has been used. As all the biotopes are not strictly separated from each other, quite a number of a typical species often occur in any particular biotope. Because of this fact the ecological characteristics of different parasite species for biological control purposes are believed to have basic importance. The division of parasites used is as follows: 1. Forest zone. 2. Steppe zone. 3. Desert zone. 4. Mountain zone. The forest and steppe zones have been mainly dealt with. VII. Key to the genera and subgenera is given for the purpose of Soviet specialists to obtain a general idea on the contemporary state of knowledge of the. Aphidiidae as no similar key exists in their literature. VIII. Research programme. On the ground of the appreciation of the contemporary knowledge of the Aphidiidae of the USSR following aims have been erected: 1. General study of the aphidiid fauna of the USSR, which must not be separated but connected with at least a general knowledge of the world fauna. 2. The study must stem from reared material of parasites, whilst, beside host aphid, the aphid host plant and the kind of habitat is recommended to be also dealt with. 3. The parasites of all aphid species, both pests and economically unimportant species, must be studied as the apparently unimportant aphid species often represent subsidiary hosts of economically important aphidiid wasps. 4. The host-specificity of different parasites must be gradually studied. 5. Studies on the effectiveness of different parasite species. 6. The foci of parasites in various kinds of habitats, namely in cultivated areas. 7. Parasite complexes of different ecological aphid groups ( dendrophilous, xerophilous, etc.). 8. Host X parasite relationship. 9. On the ground of 1–8 to work on general results, e. g. factors affecting the food specificity, etc. 10. The relation of the aphidiid fauna of USSR to other countries. 11. Appreciation of native parasites effectiveness. Possibility of introducing more effective species. IX. References. There is a complete list of all papers dealing with the aphidiid parasites of USSR, besides a number of main papers that are necessary for the general knowledge of the group.
Key words: Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae, distribution, new species, taxonomy, USSR