K společenstvu Solenobietum triquatrellae-Bacotia sepium Tčk. a k ekologii B. sepium Spr. (Lep. Psych.)

Troníček E.
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 28: 181-184, 1953
Views: 663
Abstract: The first part of the paper gives three samples of the association Solenobietum triquetrellae – Bacotia sepium Troníček (1951) with the abundance according to the scale: + .sporadic, 1 not :abundant, 2 rather abundant, 3 abundant, 4 very abundant. It is a larval association of Psychidae observed in the spring months during three years on a forest road near Prague (200 m.above sea level), on about 50 granite kerbstones covered with algae and lichens (Chlorophycaeto-Lichenetum). The species of the association are divided into two groups: (1) association species either entirely dependent on the nutritive substratum of the locality: B. sepium Spr., T. pseudobombycella Hb., S. manni Z., S. triquetrlella F. R., S. pineti Z., S. nickerli Hein., or only partly dependent on it: F. casta Pall., P. betulina Z.- (2) additional species using the locality for a transitional stay especially in the cocoon stage and whose nutritive plants occur outside the locality proper: A. crenulellahelix Sieb., M. crasiorella Brd., quite subordinately there is here a group of quite accidental species: Eupista (Coleophora) sp. The second part of the paper deals with the ecology of Bacotia sepium Spr. The results are given of the observation of the larval bags with regard to exposition and shade; the greatest number of bags was found in shady expositions, and this is connected with the position of the nutritive substratum and corresponds also to the distribution of the species in forest regions. As nutritive plants were recognised various green algae (Chlorophyceae) and leprous stages of lichens, e. g. Physcia. In the conclusion the author records the results of the observations in the cultivation of this species cultivated on green algae from trunks of alder and acacia. Before the hatching of the male the pupa shifts half from the bag, the pupa of the female does not do so and the female leaves the cocoon, but remains sitting in the bag. Parasitic eclosis was very rare.
Key words: Solenobietum, Bacotia, Lepidoptera, Psychidae, larval ecology,
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