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Study of the Bohemian species of the genus Erannis Hübner (Lep.)
Brůčková B
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 27: 213-221, 1952
Key words:
Erannis, Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Czechoslovakia, color variation
Published PDF
Brůčková B
Study of the Bohemian species of the genus Erannis Hübner (Lep.)
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 27: 213-221
Volume 27
Hemiptera-Heteroptera collected by Mr. J. Houška in Israel
Beitrag zur Systematik der Cydnidae (Hem. Heteropt.)
Results of the zoological scientific expedition of the National Museum in Praha to Turkey. 7. Hymenoptera I. Chalcidoidea (first part)
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The distribution of Pandoriana maja Cr. in Central Europe (Lep. Nymphalidae)
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Steffanisa rubrocincta, n. g., n. sp., and notes on some other species (Chalcididae, Hym.)
Les Carabides nouveaux de la zone palaearctique (Col.)
Study of the Bohemian species of the genus Erannis Hübner (Lep.)
Sur deux espéces du genre Amara sg. Zezea Cs. et une nouvelle dénomination de l'espece Amara obesa Ball. (nec. Say) (CoL.)
A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr (Hym.)
Monographie du genre Lampra Sol. (Col. Buprestidae) de la région paléarctique
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